about us

Every human is born with INNATEINTELLECT which is used to acquire knowledge and information. Which in tum is processed by the brain to INTELLIGNCE?

Brain Talent will mentor you in your Endeavour to discover your innate intelligence .These evaluations high light the strengths and remetation of the various parameters of your brain .This evolutions also indicate your brain type, learning styles and whether you are a convergent or a divergent thinker.

Brain Talent certified consultants will interpret the evaluation for you in detail and be more than happy to answer any and all questions that you may have and provide you with remedies is required "DISCOVER YOUR INNATE". Maximize the potentials you are born with.


WE strive to achieve higher standard of excellence, by making good, better. To discover the inborn potentials, enlighten human beings and equip them with their innate potentials for growth and advancement, guiding parents and individuals in expanding their horizons,It is our constant in endeavor, to seek, build and share credible and authoritative knowledge on the subject of multiple intelligence and Dermatoglyphics for rendering professional service for individual and institutions globally.


BRAIN TALENT seeks to build and share credible and authoritative knowledge on the subject of multiple intelligence and dermatoglyphics for rending professional service for individual and institution globally. Our development team aims to develop, adapt and apply newer technologies for accuracy and ease and at the .same time excel in empathetic approach which has human and assistive touch for people to benefit tactically.

We aim to create a pool of train personnel with integrity and a wish base of satisfied affiliates and clients. We seek to have cordial relationship with teachers, parents and the large community.